Go paperless with a 3-step digital signature process with a countersignature.


Go paperless with a 3-step digital signature process with a countersignature.

Enhanced transaction processing

Revitalise your hire process with MCS CounterSign, making document handling easier, faster and efficient.

Flawless business processes

Manage your sales pipeline activity from quote through to final order and undertake pro-active marketing campaigns to nurture your key client and prospect relationships

Enhanced transaction processing

Revitalise your hire process with MCS CounterSign, making document handling easier, faster and efficient.


Faster hire process

Thanks to the enhanced user-friendliness of the software and the swift processing of documents, transactions are completed faster.


Reduce your carbon footprint

Reduce paper wastage and establish more
eco-conscious operations. Transform your company into a sustainable business.


Convenience for your team

Ensure your hire counter is a paperless zone by making the hiring process as efficient and streamlined as possible with a countersignature.


Freedom from hardware responsibilities

Free yourself from the burden of having to look after and maintain your hardware. Free up in-house IT resources and remove overheads with our cloud software solutions, allowing you to focus on your strategy and your rental business.


Affordable fixed monthly fee

Reduced upfront capital expenditure. With affordable monthly payments, you can simplify and accurately budget and forecast your fixed outgoings.


Ultimate accessibility

Your staff can access MCS hire software and data remotely from any location and even from mobile devices – meaning queries can be answered and resolved swiftly. Confidently take advantage of mobile apps without the worry of data security and managing complex internal systems.


Working better together

Communicate with staff out on the road to deliver professional customer service and nurture your client relationships; helping you become a collaborative, customer focused team to ensure you keep your customer promises.


Generating and
maximising opportunities

Carry out pro-active marketing campaigns to generate new sales leads and opportunities. Then become more responsive to incoming enquiries, convert more leads into sales and improve client retention rates.


Clear and refined
customer interactions

No more missed appointments, forgotten leads or lost sales opportunities. With CRM you can capture enquiries, schedule calls or meetings with tools such as Outlook. You can even record all activity and customer communication to share knowledge and improve customer service.


Faster hire process                   

Thanks to the enhanced user-friendliness of the software and the swift processing of documents, transactions are completed faster.


Reduce your carbon footprint

Reduce paper wastage and establish more eco-conscious operations. Transform your company into a sustainable business.


Convenience for your team

Ensure your hire counter is a paperless zone by making the hiring process as efficient and streamlined as possible with a countersignature.

More about MCS CounterSign

CounterSign, our very own countersignature, allows hire companies to use digital signatures at the counter and removes the need for paper in the rental process.

Here’s how it works:

Customers who come to your hire business can sign contracts and rental agreements electronically on a tablet

The MCS-rm rental software will link those signed documents to the relevant document

A PDF copy of the customer's signed paper will be emailed to them immediately after

With CounterSign running your document authentication, you can reduce your hire company's carbon footprint and end the hassle of sorting through stacks of paper every day!

Additional features

Increases security of your legal documents

Digital signatures are difficult to forge which makes them more secure than handwritten signatures and easier to verify. Digitally signing your contracts and quotes also means you can easily detect even minor alterations and adjustments, making them safer than wet signatures that are easily tampered with.

Increase efficiency and consistency

By digitising your documents, you increase the consistency of your operations. You'll be minimising human errors—like delivering the wrong equipment or communication errors—while improving your customers' experience with coherent documents. Additionally, this also reduces wait time during hiring or any cost incurred for error rectification

Higher accuracy and compliance

Following regulatory compliance, rules are vital for every business transaction. By ensuring that your documents are intact using CounterSign, you can ensure a high level of accuracy and compliance in your operations and successfully avoid lawsuits and fines. Tracking paper documents to adhere to compliance issues may pose problems if you’re audited.

Counter the hassle with CounterSign

Reduce additional costs

Reduce your customer wait time

Make your business more eco-friendly

Eliminate the risk of human errors

Increase the efficiency of the hire process

Make it easy to retrieve documents in future

Eliminate unnecessary paper at the hire counter

Improve communication with your customers

Counter the hassle with CounterSign

Reduce additional costs

Reduce your customer wait time

Make your business more eco-friendly

Eliminate the risk of human errors

Increase the efficiency of the hire process

Make it easy to retrieve documents in future

Eliminate unnecessary paper at the hire counter

Improve communication with your customers

Experience our innovative hire solution

Here are some other great features you can expect from our hire software:

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Take on a more proactive approach to your marketing campaigns and nurture your main customers and prospects more efficiently with effective customer relationship management.


Ensure that all service records, plans for maintenance, and records of asset losses and damage are kept up to date to ensure that your equipment is suitable for hire.


Manage all your suppliers using one easy-to-use system while keeping control of all your expenditure related to repair for your hire equipment, stocks, rehires, and spares.

Dashboards & Business Intelligence

You’ll gain insightful hire data that will allow you to gauge your organisation’s strengths and weaknesses while also understanding changes in hire trends and more.

Electronic Trading

Electronically send and receive financial, supplier, and customer documents. This can help save you hours of paperwork and put your labour resources to better use.

Document Management

Take on a paperless approach to documentation management through documents on an online database. This will make it easier to retrieve and store relevant documents.

Smart Alerts

Custom alerts will chime in, making you aware of any issues as soon as they arise. This will help you address issues related to your business efficiently and proactively.

Resource Planner

Have more control and visibility of your internal resources, ensuring that the right staff members are assigned to the right tasks to enable more optimised  workflows.

Online Shop

With an online shop, you can offer your prospects and customers an easy and convenient place to reserve hirable assets, whenever they want to and wherever they want it.

Customer Portal

With a fully-fledged customer portal, your customers will have access to round-the-clock self-service and information. This will help boost customer loyalty.

MCS Telematics Hub

Get full access to your telematics data; everything from increased revenue to the recovery of stolen assets. This will help you improve the productivity of your hire fleet.

MCS E-Sign

Streamline the process of getting hire quotations with MCS E-Sign. This will allow your customers to sign documents with just a click.

Mobile Rental Tools

Have complete control of your hire business while you’re on the go with hire software mobile apps. Get real-time insights, work both online and offline, and manage your team in a stress-free way.

Cloud Rental Solutions

All data related to your hire business will be stored in a safe and secure cloud database that’s managed by highly experienced IT professionals.

Get in touch

To discover how MCS-rm hire software can empower your business, call us on   +61 (2) 9477 1355 or use our enquiry form.