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Monday, 13 November 2023

rental equipment software

Without a doubt, rental equipment software, also called hire equipment software has become the backbone of the rental industry. However, some fledgling equipment hire businesses still haven’t implemented this beneficial software into their operations.

You may feel like implementing hire equipment software is a huge leap forward—and it is—and that it may be expensive and time-consuming to do. However, while hire equipment software is a significant investment, it can introduce new and innovative capabilities to your business.

These new capabilities can offer a plethora of benefits, such as streamlined operations, improved resource utilisation, increased customer satisfaction, and boosted profitability. Here are six features of rental equipment software that your hire business needs right now:

1. Advanced data security

As a hire business, you’ll be collecting a lot of information about your customers. Not just their personal information, but also details about their hire preferences, which can help you personalise your services according to their needs.

Having such a vast amount of information requires security, and hire equipment software can help. This software allows you to store customer information safely in highly secure databases that are protected by encryption and passwords.

In addition, the software comes with other security measures, such as e-signatures which allow your customers to sign important documents digitally so that they can’t be tampered with.

2. Interactive dashboards

Rental equipment software comes with highly customisable and interactive dashboards that give you real-time information about your hire business. 

These dashboards feature graphs and other images to visualise the data and let you look into different aspects of your hire business, such as customer relationship management, inventory, current suppliers, invoicing, and hire equipment utilisation. Dashboards can also provide timely reports on your hire business operations.

In addition, the information on your hire business operations that you gain from the dashboards can help you make more informed business decisions. 

3. Enhanced resource planning

With the resource planning feature of hire equipment software, your business can have full visibility and control of your internal resources. 

This allows you to make better use of your staff’s talents by assigning them tasks that they can do exceptionally well, increasing productivity.

Also, the resource planning feature gives you insight into areas in your hire management operations that are seeing performance drops so that you can rectify them.

4. Accurate telematics 

With a telematics feature, your business can accurately track everything about your hire equipment, such as their locations, who hired them out, how long a piece of equipment has been with a customer, and which equipment needs repairs.

Additionally, telematics can help you detect if your hire equipment is being used outside designated hours so that you can invoice your customers accordingly. You can also identify the number of hours customers have used the equipment and only invoice them for the hours that they actually used the equipment.

5. Smart alerts

Hire equipment software can offer smart alerts. These are notifications that the software provides to let you know about any issues related to your hire equipment or hire process.

These notifications can be customised to alert you of a variety of things, such as unauthorised access to hire records and non-compliance issues. These alerts can be received as on-screen prompts, emails, and text messages.

6. Online shop

Hire software may feature an online shop where your customers can book hire equipment, access promotions and discounts, and make payments. 

The online shop will also allow you to upsell hire products to customers based on their preferences and it can be integrated into your business’s website. This can help bring more value to your customers and build brand loyalty.

Discover the power of rental equipment software

Rental software solutions are the future of the hire industry. With it, your hire business can reach heights that you never thought possible. 

If you want to experience the amazing benefits of this software, you don’t have to go into it alone—MCS Rental Software will help you get started on your journey towards boosting your business’s hire capabilities today!

Get in touch

To discover how MCS-rm hire software can empower your business, call us on +61 (2) 9477 1355 or use our enquiry form.

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