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Tuesday, 3 October 2023

Rental contract software

With hire businesses going digital via hire management software, manual paperwork has become a thing of the past, with many hire companies now storing their data in consolidated databases.

Hire management software offers a plethora of benefits for hire businesses, such as streamlining operations, improving inventory management, boosting customer satisfaction, and keeping track of their hire assets.

Another feature of hire management software is that it comes with rental contract software, also called hire contract software, which allows hire companies to take digital signatures from their customers.

Digital signatures, or e-signatures, have made the process of forming hire contracts easier than ever before. This blog post will highlight the many benefits of getting e-signatures using rental contract software.

Offers security

One major security issue that hire businesses face is the security of their clients’ information. With e-signatures, hire businesses can secure their customer’s signatory details along with other important data, such as contact information.

When contracts are signed digitally, there’s no chance of signatures being forged or important information being stolen. This extra security will encourage customers to have more faith in hire companies and become more willing to engage with them more.

Offers flexibility

When getting contracts signed the traditional way, hire businesses will need to have customers come to their offices in person to give their signatures manually. This can be very inconvenient for both the customer and the company.

Also, hire companies will need to invest in paper to obtain customer signatures, which can be expensive, and storing huge amounts of physical documents will require space.

With rental contract software, customers give their signatures digitally. Thanks to this feature, customers can sign documents from the comfort of their homes without having to travel all the way to the hire company’s office.

Additionally, since the contracts are digital, customers can refer to them if they want to look up any terms and conditions.

Offers eco-friendly alternatives

As mentioned earlier, physical contracts require paper. Old contract documents that are no longer relevant to a company are often discarded and these end up in landfills where they can remain for a long time.

Also, purchasing paper encourages the cutting down of trees, which in turn leads to deforestation and other negative impacts on the environment. 

Since getting e-signatures doesn’t require any paper, hire businesses can become more eco-friendly and lower their carbon footprint.

Offers convenience

For physical contracts, hire businesses will need to stock up on paper and printing supplies. All these items will need to be stored somewhere, so hire companies will have to buy storage equipment or allocate entire rooms for document keeping.

Another problem with physical documents is that printing them can take time. Just printing one document isn’t an issue, but most hire companies may need to print hundreds of them every day and this can be very time-consuming.

With hire contract software, hire companies won’t need to allocate any physical space at their workplaces to store documents, since everything is electronic, offering convenience. 

Offers customer satisfaction

When engaging with an organisation, customers always look for a hassle-free experience. When having to sign documents, most customers may not like having to travel all the way to the hire company’s office.

Since hire contract software lets customers sign documents online, hire companies can save them the trouble of travelling. This hassle-free gesture can boost customer satisfaction in the long run.

Offers accuracy

E-signatures are more accurate than traditional pen and paper signatures. Sometimes, when signing physical documents, customers may miss certain pages. But when getting e-signatures, the hire contract software will ensure that all the relevant fields are filled before letting the customer proceed.

Thanks to this feature, errors and misunderstandings can be reduced.

Discover the benefits of rental contract software

E-signatures are a simple but effective feature that has helped many hire businesses streamline their processes and make the contract-building process. At MCS Rental Software, we offer a range of cloud-based rental software solutions—give us a call today.

Get in touch

To discover how MCS-rm hire software can empower your business, call us on +61 (2) 9477 1355 or use our enquiry form.

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