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Tuesday, 29 August 2023

For equipment hire businesses, there are many complexities that they have to deal with, such as communication and cross-departmental procedures. These businesses may have different teams, including finance, engineering, and operations.

Managing all these different aspects of their business can be challenging, especially when they’re a large-scale equipment hire business. This is when rental software for equipment, sometimes called hire management software, can make a difference.

Hire management software can help equipment hire businesses in different ways, such as automating manual administrative tasks so that staff members will have more time to focus on profit-making activities, streamlining operations to increase productivity, and improving communication and collaboration among everyone involved.

However, while many hire management software are available, equipment hire businesses should look into a few key features when choosing the right software. In this blog post, we’ll explore these key features.

Pre-configured software packages

Equipment hire businesses can be very complex, so an off-the-self-hire management software solution won’t work in this case. 

Instead, equipment hire businesses should consider looking for hire management software that’s business and industry-specific. This way, hire businesses can find functionalities that go hand-in-hand with their needs and boost their operational efficiencies wherever they can.

For example, plant hire businesses would benefit from a hire management software solution that allows them to monitor the maintenance and repairs of their hirable construction equipment. In addition, event equipment hire businesses can use software that lets them monitor the delivery of their goods to clients.

Seamless integration and high security

In the equipment hire industry, businesses must handle lots of sensitive customer information and details related to hire equipment. Naturally, customers will want to be assured that their information will be safe with the hire company they’re doing business with.

In this case, hire businesses should consider choosing a hire management software that offers security features, such as encryption, and allows the smooth flow of information.

Also, hire businesses need to consider the integration capabilities of their new hire management system, especially since the hire industry is changing significantly with the Internet of Things, portals, and mobile applications. Hire businesses should then consider choosing a hire management system that can integrate seamlessly with these systems.

Flexible changes

The hire industry is constantly changing, and because of this, hire businesses will need to implement hire management solutions that are flexible enough to accommodate these changes.

In terms of flexibility, the software should ideally have features that allow businesses to expand offerings, increase the number of locations and employees, incorporate mobile capabilities, improve collaboration between stakeholders, and expand over different online channels.

Apt business intelligence and analytics

Hire businesses should consider choosing equipment hire software solutions that offer analytics and business intelligence capabilities, such as easy-to-use dashboards that offer graphical overviews of KPI-related metrics.

These features will allow hire businesses to make accurate predictions about the demand for certain hire assets, make adjustments to their pricing and hire rate based on the data they receive, and make more accurate financial plans and forecasts.

Efficient transport management

Real-time tracking of deliveries and scheduling of hire equipment are some very important features that equipment hire management software should have. 

This feature provides accurate scheduling, reduces asset downtime, ensures that hire assets are delivered on time, improves product allocation, and streamlines the transportation of hire assets.

Also, the software should be able to allow hire businesses to set routes for their delivery vehicles. This way, they can select the most cost-effective routes that’ll allow them to get hire equipment to their customers faster and save fuel at the same time.

Invest in rental software for equipment

The availability of rental software for equipment has revolutionised the hire industry and with good reason. This software has unlocked a world of benefits for these businesses, allowing them to streamline their operations, save money, and increase their productivity.

Discover the power of rental software solutions by working with MCS Rental Software today.

Get in touch

To discover how MCS-rm hire software can empower your business, call us on +61 (2) 9477 1355 or use our enquiry form.

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