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Sunday, 14 April 2024

The demand for new technology has never been higher, especially in the rental industry. With this in mind, MCS Rental Software has put together 5 of its newest technological innovations, from the incredible cost-saving eScan feature to data-based price grids. Let’s dive into these incredible innovative technologies.

Here’s a closer look at five of MCS’s most popular solutions that are taking the rental industry by storm in 2024:


Empowering customers with instant equipment details: This innovative feature gives rental companies the ability to provide a QR code for every item in their rental inventory. By scanning the code with the smartphone or any other mobile device, rental customers get instant access to a huge amount of helpful information, such as user manuals, safety certificates, maintenance records, and so much more. 

In addition to improving the user experience through the immediate availability of critical data, this feature can help your business save money that would otherwise be spent on paper and it also reduces the likelihood of errors made when updating documents.

2.MCS Resource mobile app 

Improved visibility and smooth operations: The brand new MCS Resource App for mobile devices enables field engineers and rental asset delivery drivers to carry out their tasks and assignments without any hassle, while they’re on the move. This user-friendly mobile app enables them to get on-site real-time updates, submit job progress reports, and capture critical information during their time on the field. 

Back at the office, staff members can enjoy improved visibility and trackability. They can not only track the start and end of specific tasks but also monitor resource movements throughout the day, including driving times and location confirmation at customer spots.


Timesheet management without a hitch: Sometimes it can be hard to capture employee time records with precision and ease. With the straightforward MyTimeTracker app, rental employees can track their hours of work and submit reports from any location through their mobile devices. 

This innovative new technology removes the need for manual data entry and physical timesheets. This in turn will streamline the payroll process and save rental employees valuable time. 

4.New telematics integrations

Advancing asset tracking capabilities: MCS is taking its telematics offering to the next level by teaming up with two leaders in the field of telematics—Geoforce and Samsara. This decision demonstrates MCS’s dedication to delivering state-of-the-art rental management services. Here’s a little more insight into Geoforce and Samsara:

  • Geoforce integration: Famous for its asset tracking solutions Geoforce empowers MCS users with ultimate professionalism in real-time tracking of the location, condition, and usage of the rental inventory. This enables enterprises to maximise asset deployments, minimise downtime, and make data-informed decisions for improved utilisation rates.
  • Samsara integration: Samsara is a telematics technology leader, delivering an innovative method to manage fleets. The integration of Samsara with MCS Rental Software allows users to have visualisation of the real-time data, the all-around tracking of the vehicle, and the advanced route optimisation tools. This enables them to pick the shortest route, maximise driver efficiency, and make informed decisions like cost reduction and efficient operation.

5.Dynamic pricing with date-based price grids

With this feature, MCS Rental Software not only lets companies automate price adjustments and manage promotional periods but also employs dynamic pricing strategies that are based on peak usage times. This innovative feature helps rental businesses develop not only a more proactive and adaptable pricing approach but also allows the perfect alignment of the pricing policies with the market demands and maximisation of profitability.

MCS—your leading rental solutions provider

Through these cutting-edge solutions offered by MCS Rental Software, rental companies can leverage a decisive advantage in the industry. They can make work processes simpler, enrich customer interaction, improve resource utilisation, and consequently, increase overall profitability in a rapidly changing market. 

To experience the benefits of rental software, get in touch with the MCS team today.

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To discover how MCS-rm hire software can empower your business, call us on +61 (2) 9477 1355 or use our enquiry form.

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