Discover what container rental software can do for your business

Discover what container rental software can do for your business

Find out how this software solution can help with your container rental management capabilities.

Find out how this software solution can help with your container rental management capabilities.

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Container rental management made easy

In the dynamic world of container hire, staying ahead means more than just delivering robust shipping solutions – it's about mastering efficiency, enhancing productivity, and maximising your operational prowess.

For large container rental companies, in particular, keeping track of their containers can be difficult, especially when demand levels are high. Fortunately, with the availability of container rental software, managing container rentals is now easier than ever before.

This innovative software solution has opened many doors to container rental businesses all over the world. Container rental software is now a must-have for any company in the rental industry that deals with renting out containers, whether it’s for storage or for temporary accommodations.


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Container rental management made easy

In the dynamic world of container hire, staying ahead means more than just delivering robust shipping solutions – it's about mastering efficiency, enhancing productivity, and maximising your operational prowess.

For large container rental companies, in particular, keeping track of their containers can be difficult, especially when demand levels are high. Fortunately, with the availability of container rental software, managing container rentals is now easier than ever before.

This innovative software solution has opened many doors to container rental businesses all over the world. Container rental software is now a must-have for any company in the rental industry that deals with renting out containers, whether it’s for storage or for temporary accommodations.

What your business can expect from software for container rentals

Here are some of the useful features and functions you can access with this innovative software;

Real-time inventory management

Gain full control over your container inventory with real-time tracking. Know exactly where each container is located, its status, and when it's due for maintenance or return.

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Automated billing and invoicing

Say goodbye to manual billing hassles. This software automates the billing process, ensuring accurate and timely invoicing. Customise billing plans to suit your business model.

Optimised scheduling

Efficiently plan and schedule container pickups, deliveries, and maintenance. Minimise downtime, reduce transportation costs and maximise the utilisation of your container fleet.

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Customer relationship management (CRM)

Enhance customer satisfaction with a comprehensive CRM system. Keep track of customer preferences, rental history, and communication, allowing you to provide personalised service.

Scalability and flexibility

Whether you're managing a handful of containers or a vast fleet, this software scales with your business. Adapt to changing needs seamlessly with a flexible platform that evolves with you.

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Compliance and security

Stay compliant with industry regulations. This software ensures that your operations adhere to the highest standards of security and compliance, giving you and your customers peace of mind.

MCS Rental Software—your ideal partner for rental management software

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MCS Rental Software has been a steadfast partner for rental companies globally, revolutionising their operations with cutting-edge hire management software solutions.

Explore the innovative landscape of our revolutionary rental management software, and your rental business can unlock a myriad of advantages. Enhance productivity, optimise operations for peak efficiency, promote effortless collaboration across departments, and experience a notable boost in customer satisfaction.

Engage with the MCS team today to explore the transformative influence our rental software can exert on your business. Enable your enterprise to ascend to new heights, fostering substantial growth in the process.

Our solutions

Rental solutions software

Construction software

Event rental software

Specialist software


Can container rental software assist in the preventive maintenance of containers?

Absolutely. Our container rental solutions offer maintenance scheduling and tracking features, helping you stay proactive by scheduling and monitoring routine maintenance tasks to ensure the longevity of your container fleet.

What customer support options does MCS Rental Software provide?

We offer various customer support options, including online documentation, email support, and a dedicated customer service team. We ensure that you have access to assistance when needed, minimising downtime and ensuring smooth operations.

Can container rental software integrate with existing business systems?

Yes, this software is designed to integrate seamlessly with various business systems, such as accounting, CRM, and logistics platforms, ensuring a cohesive and interconnected workflow.

Get in touch

Discover how MCS-rm event hire software solutions can change the way you manage your hire business—call us at +61 (2) 9477 1355 or fill out the form.