Prevent equipment theft with hire track software for AV rental companies

Prevent equipment theft with hire track software for AV rental companies

Discover a powerful solution tailored for AV rental businesses. Learn how hire track software enhances security measures, reduces equipment theft instances, and safeguards your valuable assets.

Discover a powerful solution tailored for AV rental businesses. Learn how hire track software enhances security measures, reduces equipment theft instances, and safeguards your valuable assets.

Protecting rental assets with hire track software in Australia

In the AV equipment rental industry, equipment theft poses a significant threat to businesses. It undermines the profitability of rental businesses by increasing operational costs.

However, hire software offers AV rental companies a robust tool to combat this challenge. By leveraging advanced tracking and security features, the software provides real-time insights, enabling businesses to monitor their assets closely and significantly reduce instances of equipment theft.

Read on to learn more about hire software and its benefits.

Protecting rental assets with hire track software in Australia

In the AV equipment rental industry, equipment theft poses a significant threat to businesses. It undermines the profitability of rental businesses by increasing operational costs.

However, hire software offers AV rental companies a robust tool to combat this challenge. By leveraging advanced tracking and security features, the software provides real-time insights, enabling businesses to monitor their assets closely and significantly reduce instances of equipment theft.

Read on to learn more about hire software and its benefits.

A proactive approach to preventing equipment theft with hire track software

Here’s how hire track software can help you track rental equipment and minimise instances of theft.

GPS tracking and geofencing

Employ GPS tracking and geofencing technology to monitor equipment location in real time. Receive instant alerts if equipment moves outside designated areas, allowing swift action to prevent theft and recover stolen items.

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Comprehensive asset inventory

Maintain a detailed inventory of AV equipment. The software helps you track serial numbers, specifications, and maintenance history. Easily identify missing items, track their last known location, and expedite recovery efforts.

Integrated alarm systems

Integrate alarm systems with hire software. Receive notifications for unauthorized equipment access or tampering. Deter potential thieves and enhance on-site security measures, ensuring your assets are protected round the clock.

Data analytics for suspicious activity

Utilise data analytics to identify suspicious patterns by analysing equipment usage and movement data. Recognise irregularities or unusual behaviour, enabling timely intervention and preventing theft attempts before they occur.

Remote equipment lockdown

In the event of a theft attempt, hire software allows you to remotely lock down stolen equipment. Disable functionality and prevent unauthorised use. Aid law enforcement in recovery efforts and minimise financial losses.

Collaborative law enforcement support

Facilitate collaboration with law enforcement agencies. Provide them with accurate, real-time data to expedite recovery operations, increasing the likelihood of successful asset retrieval and discouraging theft attempts.

MCS Rental Software—achieve profitability with leading rental software in Australia

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In the past 40 years, MCS Rental Software has helped many AV equipment hire companies from all over the world improve with hire software in Australia. We understand the impact of equipment theft on AV rental businesses

That’s why, our hire software is specifically engineered to address this challenge, ensuring your assets are safeguarded. By choosing our solution, you invest in a future where equipment theft is minimised, costs are reduced, and your business operates securely.

Ready to enhance your security measures? Contact us to learn how our hire software can help your AV rental company prevent equipment theft effectively.

Our solutions

Rental solutions software

Construction software

Event rental software

Specialist software


Is the software compatible with various types of AV equipment?

Absolutely. Our software is adaptable and can be tailored to monitor and protect a wide range of AV equipment, making it suitable for diverse AV rental businesses.

How quickly can stolen equipment be recovered with the help of this software?

The speed of recovery efforts depends on various factors, but with real-time data and collaboration with law enforcement, the chances of successful asset retrieval significantly increase, aiding in swift recovery.

Is training provided for using the hire software effectively?

Yes, we offer training and support to ensure AV rental companies fully understand the software's functionalities, enabling them to effectively prevent equipment theft and protect their valuable assets.

Get in touch

Discover how MCS-rm event hire software solutions can change the way you manage your hire business—call us at +61 (2) 9477 1355 or fill out the form.