How to choose the perfect asset hire software solution


Find out what you need to look for when picking the ideal asset hire software solution for your business.

Find out what you need to look for when picking the ideal asset hire software solution for your business.

Asset hire software

Finding the right hire software solution

In today's fast-paced business world, managing to hire assets efficiently and effectively is essential for the success of your hire business. Whether the hire business is a small startup or a large enterprise, finding the right asset hire software, also called hire management software, can streamline their operations, boost productivity, and maximise their resources.

However, navigating this vast landscape of hire management solutions can be daunting and there are several things that hire businesses need to consider before choosing the perfect software solution.

Asset hire software

Finding the right hire software solution

In today's fast-paced business world, managing to hire assets efficiently and effectively is essential for the success of your hire business. Whether the hire business is a small startup or a large enterprise, finding the right asset hire software, also called hire management software, can streamline their operations, boost productivity, and maximise their resources.

However, navigating this vast landscape of hire management solutions can be daunting and there are several things that hire businesses need to consider before choosing the perfect software solution.

How to choose the right hire management software

Here are some tips to help you pick the right hire management software solution;

Comprehensive Asset Tracking

Choose software that offers robust asset tracking capabilities, allowing you to monitor assets in real time, including their location, status, and usage history.

Asset hire software
Asset hire software

Customisable Fields

Opt for software that enables customisation of asset fields, letting you tailor the system to match the specific data you need to track for different types of assets.

User Permissions and Access Control

Look for software that offers robust user permissions and access control features, allowing you to restrict access to information based on user responsibilities.

Asset hire software
Asset hire software

Reporting and Analytics

Ensure the software provides robust reporting and analytics tools, allowing you to gain insights into asset utilisation, bookings, and other essential metrics.

Integration Capabilities

Ensure the software integrates seamlessly with your existing systems, such as ERP or CRM software, to streamline workflows and enhance overall productivity.

Asset hire software

Mobile Accessibility

Look for hire software that offers mobile accessibility, allowing your team to manage assets, create bookings, and check availability from smartphones and tablets.

Customer Support and Training

Evaluate the available customer support options and training resources provided by the software vendor to ensure you receive timely assistance and guidance.

Asset hire software


Consider the overall cost of ownership, including licensing fees, implementation costs, and maintenance, to ensure the software aligns with your budget.

Feedback and Reviews

Research user feedback to understand the experiences of other businesses that have implemented the software so you can make an informed decision.

Asset hire software
Asset hire software

Security and Compliance

Prioritise software that adheres to industry-standard security protocols and compliance requirements, ensuring the safety of your sensitive data.

MCS–your ideal asset hire software partner

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For four decades, MCS Rental Software has been at the forefront of revolutionising hire management solutions. We have empowered hire companies globally with our innovative software solutions, enhancing their capabilities significantly.

By leveraging our hire management software, your business can enjoy a multitude of advantages. These include heightened productivity, streamlined efficiency, enhanced interdepartmental collaboration, and elevated customer satisfaction levels.

Reach out to the MCS team today to discover how we can unlock your business's full potential, fostering growth through our cutting-edge hire software solutions.

Our solutions

Rental solutions software

Construction software

Event rental software

Specialist software


Can hire software handle different types of assets?

Yes, most hire software solutions are customisable and can handle a wide range of assets such as vehicles, equipment, tools, and even facilities. They allow you to define specific parameters for each asset type.

How does hire software help in preventing double bookings?

Hire software maintains a real-time database of asset availability. When a booking is made, the system updates availability instantly, preventing double bookings. Alerts and notifications further ensure proper scheduling.

How does hire software improve efficiency in my business?

Asset hire software automates booking processes, tracks asset availability, and manages maintenance schedules. This automation minimises manual errors, reduces downtime, and optimises asset utilisation, leading to increased overall efficiency.

Get in touch

Discover how MCS-rm event hire software solutions can change the way you manage your hire business—call us at +61 (2) 9477 1355 or fill out the form.