Benefits of rental software for small business success

Benefits of rental software for small business success

Click here to find out how small hire businesses can benefit from hire management software.

Click here to find out how small hire businesses can benefit from hire management software.

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Small hire businesses and hire management software

Hire management can be challenging for every hire business. Hire businesses need to look at many aspects of their services, such as inventory management, maintenance of tools and equipment, and optimisation of workflows.

Two aspects that hire businesses need to look into above all else are costs and expenses. Managing costs and expenses efficiently can be especially difficult for small hire businesses since they have less capital.

However, there is one way that small hire businesses can manage their hire work more efficiently and keep their costs low at the same time; by using rental software, also known as hire management software.

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Small hire businesses and hire management software

Hire management can be challenging for every hire business. Hire businesses need to look at many aspects of their services, such as inventory management, maintenance of tools and equipment, and optimisation of workflows.

Two aspects that hire businesses need to look into above all else are costs and expenses. Managing costs and expenses efficiently can be especially difficult for small hire businesses since they have less capital.

However, there is one way that small hire businesses can manage their hire work more efficiently and keep their costs low at the same time; by using rental software, also known as hire management software.

Benefits of rental software for small business success

Here are some of the many benefits a small hire business can expect from using hire management software.

Reduced upfront costs

In most cases, on-premises software will incur an upfront cost, and this can be a problem for small businesses that are on a tight budget. Modern hire management software is web-based, which means that small businesses can avoid the costs involved in having to install and set up the software themselves.

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Smooth integration

Hire management software gives small businesses access to an all-inclusive solution that won’t need any additional software. Also, this software is designed to be compatible with the business’s existing software, and this eliminates the need to replace their existing software and platforms with new ones.

Increased customer satisfaction

For small hire businesses, keeping their customers happy is paramount to their success. Hire management software comes with built-in customer relationship management facilities, allowing small hire businesses to meet customer-focused goals efficiently, while also simplifying communication channels.

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Decreased uncertainties and losses

Small hire businesses may face all kinds of losses, which may happen due to reasons such as hire assets going missing or even being stolen. Hire management software allows small hire businesses to keep track of all their hire assets to ensure nothing is missing and make sure damaged items are repaired.

MCS Rental Software—the ideal rental software for small business success

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MCS Rental Software has helped many businesses—large and small—find the perfect solutions for their hire management needs.

With 40 years of experience, we can guarantee that our hire management software solution will enhance your hire business capabilities, and our staff will support you all the way through.

Give MCS a call today for the ideal rental software for small business success.

Our solutions

Rental solutions software

Construction software

Event rental software

Specialist software


Does MCS-rm come with mobile capabilities?

Yes, it does. MCS-rm features mobile capabilities that give you full control of your business operations from anywhere in the world. And you can do this simply by using a mobile device.

Which industries does MCS Rental Software serve?

Currently, we only serve the following industries:

  • Events
  • Construction and plant
  • Audio/visual
  • Specialist

Is MCS-rm compatible with third-party accounting software?

Yes, you can link MCS-rm with any third-party accounting software that your business is already using.

Get in touch

Discover how MCS-rm event hire software solutions can change the way you manage your hire business—call us at +61 (2) 9477 1355 or fill out the form.